IBG is proud to announce another milestone delivered in the preparation for the FIFA World Cup 2022 here in Qatar; completion of the Flight Validation phase that will enhance the terminal airspace supporting the ongoing QFIR project. This crucial flight validation phase was executed in close collaboration with Qatar Airways who provided their A380 and A350 Full Flight Simulators (FFS) located at their New Integrated Flight Training facility in Doha, Qatar.
The Flight Validation campaign was initiated on the 4th April 2022 and concluded on the 26th May 2022. During a busy period for Qatar Airways, 15 senior flight crews validated the 104 new procedures developed by the QCAA Operational Teams and the Flight Procedure Designer (FPD) Team of IBG located in Doha and Switzerland; over 80 hours flight time were logged validating the 45 SID, 53 STAR, and 6 Final & Missed Approach procedures.
IBG want to use this opportunity thanking Qatar Airways for their full support during this challenging but exciting campaign.
This Flight Validation phase was managed on behalf of IBG by Boy Low – Senior Project Manager with the last flight validation session witnessed by Nasser Al Khalaf – QFIR Steering Committee Chairman and Deya Gebara – IBG Global Project Director.