Independent Consulting (a business unit under Independent Business Group) have together with a team of experts from Hungarocontrol completed the study for provision of Remote Tower Operations at Dubai International Airport.
The main objective of the project was to study if Remote Aerodrome Control Services can be used for contingency purposes. The utilization of remote tower technology will enable DANS to relocate their aerodrome contingency services to a location where they can provide a Remote Aerodrome Control Service (RACS).
Deliverables included a feasibility study, concept of operations document (CONOPS), Operational Requirements document and a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) covering both Dubai International Airport and Dubai World Central. The work also included facilitation of workshops in Hungary (Budapest) and Sweden (Sundsvall) in order to familiarize representatives from DANS and GCAA (the UAE regulator) with the technology and underlying safety cases that enabled both Hungarocontrol and LFV to go ahead with their investments to operate towers remotely. The project was completed in early April and on June 7th our team received a letter of gratitude from DANS.