Dubai Air Navigation Services have awarded Independent Business Group the contract “For The Provision of an Arrival Spacing Decision Support Tool Study”.

The purpose of this project is for Independent to study the feasibility and options of the development of an arrival spacing decision support tool capable of assisting Dubai Air Traffic Controllers to achieve the continuous minimum spacing required on final, across all modes of operation.
It is envisioned that this tool will provide a visual reference to controllers, which will be capable of determining the minimum in trail separation required, always considering the wake category of the preceding aircraft, as well as the relevant minimum spacing as dictated by the current mode of operation in effect at the time.
As part of our delivery, Independent will arrange for a familiarization visits to FAA Potomac and New York TRACON in the US and NATS in ATC Center Swanwick and the ATC tower in London Heathrow in the UK. The scope of works include:
Feasibility and Options (D1)
- Scope
- List of requirements
- Options
- Recommended option
Operational Services and Environmental Description (D2)
- Scope
- Define CONOPS of recommended option
- List of end user requirements
Business Case (D3)
- Scope
- Estimated costs and perceived benefits
- Quantification of benefits