We are happy to announce that Mr. Ulf Rudebark has joined the IBG team.
Ulf has a long background from the aviation industry starting in the Swedish Airforce in 1988. After 10 years in uniform Ulf joined defense and security company Saab AB in 1998 serving in several leading roles in multiple countries across the globe covering Marketing & Sales, Merger & Acquisition Projects, and different Management positions for almost 18 years. The last 6 years Ulf has worked with the Swedish Trade & Invest Council with responsibility for the aviation, port and defense sector supporting Swedish companies to grow international sales.
“I am really happy to join IBG at this point of time when they are growing fast and also expanding their activities to new areas. Aviation is close to my heart and taking the role as Acting CEO will be both a challenge and a nice ride into the future of aviation”, says Ulf
Ulf will take over the position as Acting CEO for Independent Business Group who will continue to have focus towards optimizing and transforming airport operators and Air Navigation Service Providers to become more efficient and sustainable to meet future demands in line with the SDG2030 goals.
“We are proud to have Ulf joining our team. With his vast experience in the aviation industry, he will be a valuable member of our management team and we are convinced that Ulf will help to develop our business to a higher level”, says Manfred Wolff, member of the board.
At the same time, a new company called Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) will assume the responsibility for all the AAM related projects within IBG and continue to focus on the development of u-space infrastructure meeting the growing need from municipalities, transport agencies and prospecting U-Space Service Providers. Through a dedicated focus AAM can now further strengthen its role as a market leader in this domain.
IBG’s former CEO Mr. Jesper Low will take on the challenge as the CEO for newly established AAM.
“Technology and the possibilities for eVTOL traffic in a near future advances. As well as the planning of the cities infrastructure needs to be planned to handle this type of traffic, lower airspace and corridors, needs to be integrated with the ground, Air Mobility will be of importance for all cities in the world. I’m excited to take on this challenge and I would also like to welcome Mr. Ulf Rudebark on board the IBG team”, says Jesper Low.
Get to know Ulf:
Lives in: Stockholm
Likes to: Randonnée skiing, playing golf and socialize with family and friends
On your bucket list: Sail across the Atlantic Ocean
What will you work with at IBG? I will step in as Acting CEO and hopefully, together with the team, find new and prosperous business cases to take the company to the next level.
What experiences from the Aviation industry do you bring with you?
I have worked with different aspects of aviation or close to the aviation industry throughout my whole career. I feel at home in this industry and foresee that I will remain within aviation sector until I retire.
Best part with the job at IBG:
IBG has the last few years really evolved to become a leader in certain areas helping airports and ANSP’s to become more efficient and environmentally friendly by optimizing existing infrastructure rather than building new. I am looking forward to continuing this journey.
Which changes are needed within the Aviation sector to meet the future demands in line with the SDG2030 goals?
One major and ongoing shift is the transition from engines operating on fossil fuel to biofuel, hydrogen and electrical engines. Another strong area for IBG is redesign of airspace and ground infrastructure to create smoother routes to and from airports and to avoid congestion and traffic queues above and within our airports.