Independent Consulting Limited has successfully conducted a workshop on Airport Collaborate Decision Making to the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) of Malaysia. The workshop was held Wednesday 8th February 2012, at DCA premises in Putrajaya, near Kuala Lumpur.
Over 20 representatives primarily members from DCA, e.g. HQ, Subang ATCC, KLIA, ANFC Unit, Malaysian Aviation Academy was participating in the 1-day workshop. The workshop is part of DCA’s strategy to meet future demand in Malaysia. Also representatives from ICAO Air Transport HQ and Malaysian Airlines followed the introduction to Airport CDM organized and presented by Independent Consulting.

The workshop was started with a brief introduction of Independent Consulting before letting the CDM expert team consisting of Dave Hogg, Eugène Tuinstra, and Caroline Schmeits, present CDM. All presenters have worked in the EUROCONTROL Airport Operation and Environment division that is leading the CDM work in Europe. With their EUROCONTROL background, they shared their knowledge of the CDM concept elements, business case, organization and communication, and steps prior to implementation to the audience.