Independent Consulting Aviation Efficiency business unit have been awarded a contract to provide executive guidance to Gatwick Airport Ltd (GAL) team, in achieving the objectives of ACDM55 by the end of 2013.
The ACDM55 project encompasses not just A-CDM but the following goals:
• Declared capacity of 55 movements per hour or more
• Achieve On Time Performance of 85% and above
• Airspace design to improve Terminal Manoeuvring Area (TMA) usage
• Enhanced connectivity with the European Network Manager
• Improved aircraft turnaround performance
• Lower environmental impact through the reduction of emissions and noise
• Overall operational cost reductions through improved predictability
As the name indicates in the ACDM55 programme, Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) is one of the main drivers to achieve the objectives above. The Independent Consulting team with Dave Hogg and Caroline Schmeits will provide the required support to the local project that includes, GAL, NATS and Airport Partners in delivering the above objectives by the end of 2013. The proven expertise within the team will ensure the local project team achieves its objective of Network Connectivity.