Safety Case Emirates Flight Training Academy

IBG have been awarded a contract to develop a safety case for ATC equipment to be supplied for the Emirates Flight Training Academy.

The Academy, to be located at Dubai World Central Airport, will act as the dedicated training centre for Emirates’ prestigious National Cadet Pilot Programme. The half a billion Dirham investment by Emirates in the Flight Training Academy will cover the construction of the facilities, maintenance equipment, training aircraft and simulators to ensure the Academy is state-of-the art. With the capacity to train up to 400 students at a time, the facility will bring together the four key components of pilot training: ground school classrooms; ab initio flight training, ground based simulators; and modern accommodation with recreational facilities.

Independent Business Group through its consultancy arm Independent Consulting will support Honeywell Building Solutions with developing a Safety case for Emirates Flight Training Academy Tower in Al Maktoum International Airport (DWC).

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