New logistics data lab creates better opportunities for attaining climate goals

A new national Logistics Data Lab has been established. The goal of the lab is to increase collaboration by sharing and using common data with the objective to promote the development of a sustainable transport system in the future. The Logistics Data Lab has been established with 29 bodies who represent universities, cities, regions, and…

A new national Logistics Data Lab has been established. The goal of the lab is to increase collaboration by sharing and using common data with the objective to promote the development of a sustainable transport system in the future.

The Logistics Data Lab has been established with 29 bodies who represent universities, cities, regions, and businesses. Organisations interested in taking part in the data lab are still welcome to join the project. Independent Business Group is amongst the businesses supporting the logistics lab.

We are happy to be part of the logistics lab and believe that our dedication to develop a multi-modal transport society can be supported by this initiative. Through simulation we can validate solutions and increase our understanding of how to solve the challenges of tomorrow. This is especially important for Advanced Air Mobility where drones now will share both airspace and ground infrastructure with the conventional transport modes”, says Kim Silander, Independent Business Group (IBG).

Shared data creates common opportunities for achieving climate goals

The transport and logistics system faces many challenges to become fully multimodal. Demands for sustainability and reduced emissions are increasing, while cities and population are growing – which means congestion. Trade is undergoing major changes with new requirements for flexible and fast deliveries that stress the old logistics system. Common to these challenges are that solutions are linked to opportunities that digitalization and shared data enable. The Logistics Data Lab establishes a neutral arena where participants can explore data-driven innovation in the transport and logistics sector to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization and data availability. The aim is to contribute to the development of a sustainable and digitized supply system in line with the national targets, the Global Agenda 2030 targets, and the Paris Agreement that covers climate change mitigation, adaptation, and finance. 

“I see a great need for the Logistics Data Lab. A prerequisite for increasing the amount of sustainable transport, and reducing the climate impact in Sweden, is that we work together. We need to collaborate to standardize data and expand data sharing capabilities. In the food industry this is very noticeable now that home deliveries of meals and restaurant food have increased significantly over the past year, because of, among other things, the Corona pandemic. With 20 years of experience in delivering mobile IT solutions to the logistics industry, MobiOne will have an important role in this work, and we look forward to taking a leading position in the Logistics Data Lab work,” says Iain Bade, CEO of MobiOne.

Smarter municipal transport

One of the first challenges that the Logistics Data Lab is taking on is to further develop the initiative that the Swedish City of Helsingborg has already started, with the goal of streamlining transport to municipal units through groupage. The gathering also reduces the presence of trucks near school playgrounds and other places that are sensitive to traffic. Through shared data between public and private organizations, the City of Helsingborg sees an opportunity to create data-based insights that support sustainable purchasing and transport decisions.

We are happy to be part of the Logistics Data Lab. Digitizing and making data available is important for making smarter decisions that benefit our residents, businesses and, above all, the climate. It is about creating the conditions for new services and business models. We are entering with a use case where we, together with ten of the city’s suppliers, investigate the possibilities of sharing and making delivery data visible. We believe that the Logistics Data Lab promotes the right skills and attitudes to help us with our challenges and see this as a chance to share what we learn with other municipalities,” says Linda Bermin, City of Helsingborg.

“We at RISE see that there is great potential for data-driven innovation in the transport and logistics industry, and with the establishment of a Logistics Data Lab, we are taking another important step,” says Matilda Lindström, Head of Mobility and Systems RISE.

The project is coordinated by CLOSER, which is a neutral collaboration platform for increased transport efficiency, with support from RISE, that has extensive experience with test beds and has previously initiated and operated data labs in other sectors of society.

The partners in the project:
AFRY AB,Ahlsell Sverige AB,Byggmaterialhandlarna i Sverige AB,Cargospace24 AB,Lindholmen Science Park AB,Einride AB,GLC ek för Göteborgs Lastbilscentral,Greencarrier Holding AB,Göteborgs stad,Helsingborg stad,Independent Business Group Sweden AB,IBM Svenska AB,iBoxen infrastruktur Sverige AB,IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet AB,Linköpings universitet,Logical Clocks AB,Malmö stad,MobiOne AB,MoveByBike Europe AB,Region Jönköpings Län,RISE Research Institute of Sweden AB,Stockholms stad,Sveriges Åkeriföretag,Trafikverket,Nshift AB,Upphandling Södertörn,Urban Services,Volvo Group