European investment in the aviation of the future lands in Norrköping
It is now clear that Norrköping will be the node for the establishment of a European digital innovation hub (EDIH) within the future of aviation and aviation system. The financing, which is expected to approx. 30 million SEK, distributed over a three-year period and will contribute to an increased used of digital technologies within aviation for a more sustainable and efficient transport system for both freight and passenger traffic as well as other applications.
The European Commission has previously decided to invest in a large number of European digital innovation hubs (EDIH’s) to support companies and the public sector in their digital transformation. The decisions on who will be allocated have now begun to be announced and one of the projects, Aero EDIH, is now landing in Norrköping.
“To begin with, it is an honor for Norrköping and the region to have such great confidence in the EU. We have built up a strong collaboration at the national level with partners in many different disciplines. The core of this is precisely collaboration and we look forward to shouldering the responsibility and trust together with our partners”, says Jonas Nilson, CEO of Norrköping Science Park.
“When we presented for the first time in 2019 to the municipality and the business community in Norrköping how a Center of Excellence for tomorrow’s fossil-free mobility can be a key to the airport’s future, we were just in the starting blocks of our own establishment in Norrköping. With this announcement with an Aero EDIH, we have finally gone from plan to reality and create better conditions for other companies’ new establishments in our sector in the future. In addition to direct money to Norrköping, this will provide new jobs and a great opportunity for aviation and airport to be developed in Norrköping for many years to come and provide benefits to both business, residents and society“, says Jesper Low, CEO of IBG Advanced Air Mobility Services.
“We are extremely happy that the EU has chosen Aero EDIH and see it as a proof of all the competence and power we have nationally and regionally linked to both aviation and digital technologies. Now we can seriously take on the practical work of getting the hub in place”, says Magnus Krogh, project manager at Norrköping Science Park.
Aero EDIH will give small and medium-sized companies, regional airport and public sector access to test facilities, training, and investor network, which in the turn create growth and increased competitiveness among companies, environmental benefits and positive societal development in the region, Sweden and Europe.
“This is of course very positive for Norrköping as a city where we get another opportunity to be seen and work in an international context, attract expertise and get more companies to establish themselves here. Six months ago, we sharply increased the funding for Norrköping Science Park. That we are now reached by this message shows that we were right and that Norrköping will be a significant role in the society’s technological development also in the future“, says Olle Vikmång, chairman of the municipal board at Norrköping municipality.
The goal for Aero EDIH is to build a platform for understanding, experimenting with and apply the possibilities of digital technology such as artificial intelligence (AI), cyber security, high-performance computer use (HPC) but also 5G, IoT, visualization etc. within tomorrow’s flight. In addition to Norrköping Science Park, Linköping University, the research institute RISE and the Norrköping based company Independent Business Group are also behind the project.
“That we as RISE are given the opportunity to strengthen innovation and competitiveness in the aviation of the future together with strong regional partners – Norrköping Science Park, Linköping University and IBG – means that we can maximize our benefit in society. An important focus in our assignment as Sweden’s research institute is to support small and medium-sized companies, something that we, through our role as innovation leaders within the now decided European digital innovation hub, have the opportunity to strengthen. Through our extensive and broad research carried out by almost 3,000 colleagues, we will be able to offer specialist knowledge in the vast majority of relevant areas, where some examples are swarm applications, human-machine interaction design, cyber security and electric aviation”, says Robin Hughes, Head of RISE Industrial System.
“The air above us is one of the most underutilized assets our society has. We are on the threshold of a new society where people and goods will be able to move efficiently and sustainably in three dimensions. We at Linköping University are pleased to be able to apply our research to drive this change”, says Martin Rantzer, prefect of ITN at Linköping University

Here are parts of the group that is part of the Aero EDIH project. Fr.v. Hans Siljebäck, Independent Business Group, Mariette Johansson, Independent Business Group, Jonas Anderö, RISE, Dag Forsén, Norrköping Science Park, Per Johannesson, Linköping University, Jonas Nilson, Norrköping Science Park, Magnus Krogh, Norrköping Science Park and Johan Wall, Independent Business Group.
Jonas Nilson, CEO Norrköping Science Park
0702 – 78 32 56
Magnus Krogh, project manager Norrköping Science Park
0764 – 06 04 05
Per Johannesson, collaboration developer Linköpings university
011-36 34 42
Jesper Low, CEO Independent Business Group Advanced Air Mobility Services
0704 – 60 66 15
Jonas Anderö, Senior project manager RISE
0732 – 31 12 39